How to Succeed In Theater (by sacrificing everything)
THEATER PEOPLE: their lives, their stories, their paths of sacrifices, failures, and successes.
Each episode features actors, choreographers, directors, producers, crew members and more who’ve found success in theater, how they got there, where they are going next, and words of advice they have for others wanting to walk in a similar path!
Hosted by Katie Coleman - broadway pianist who has sacrificed everything (friends, family, relationships, money, you know - all those things everybody wants in order to have a truly fulfilling life) for the thrill and absolute high of bringing a larger-than-life story to an adoring audience.
How to Succeed In Theater (by sacrificing everything)
How to Market Yourself and “No-Budget Budgeting” with Jim Cooney!
Today’s guest is none other than everybody’s favorite choreographer, Jim Cooney. With a resume too long to even begin, Jim is currently the associate choreographer of the My Fair Lady national tour AND he is the founder of Amplified Artists, an online community full of resources for performers. In this episode, we discuss the myth of the “starving artist”, “no budget budgeting”, and how to market yourself using your website and social media.
Find Jim:
IG @jimcooney.nyc
Theme music written by Rachel Dean and orchestrated by Katie Coleman
Audio engineer Mike Rukstad
Special thanks to the following folks from the SIX Boleyn Company for lending their voices to the intro:
Mike Rukstad
Dylan Dineen
Sarah Ortiz
Jane Cardona
Kaitlin Ciccarelli
Kami Lujan
Jillian Bartels